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Jan 11, 2019
Weekend Shout Out!
It's a morning in front of the computer writing blog posts and doing some other "paper work". Then I am off to Pinheads Quilting Company...

Jan 5, 2019
Weekend Shout Out!
It's 2019 already!!!! I trust everyone had a good holiday and are ready to sew, sew, SEW!!!!! In the Studio The studio doesn't have much...

Dec 15, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
It was a busy week in the studio! 6 quilts quilted!!!! Some were renters, some customer quilts and some were mine. I think that is a...

Dec 9, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
Are you feeling the Christmas Spirit? Are you panicking just a little bit? Let me help ease the load. Read on for ways I can help! I've...

Nov 25, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
Wow, End of November already! Where has the year gone! Hubby is upstairs watching TV and reading....I don't know how he does both! and...

Nov 3, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
Good Weekend everyone! I hope you have had a more successful Saturday than me! I woke at 2am this morning and knew I wouldn't get back...

Oct 28, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
I feel like accomplished a lot this week. I got another of my Challenge 2017/18 quilts done this week. I was into Pinheads Quilting and...

Oct 21, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
So you know how when you sometimes get a little over excited or a little tired (like I do when I've been teaching Handi Quilter for 2...

Oct 12, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!!!! To my hubby and my Mummy! If you run into either of them this week, wish them a happy as I'm...

Oct 5, 2018
Weekend Shout Out!
In the Studio What do you do when you get a foot of snow? Snow Dye of course! I had picked up 5 half meter pieces of white with black...
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