Challenge 2017-#8
Well, It is the middle of week 7 of 2017 and I've just completed 3 more quilts. I'll post about this one (#8) this week, and share the story of #9 and #10 next week.

As I mentioned when I wrote about Quilt #5, I wrote a rail fence pattern for a Craft and Chat group and made a quilt while I was sewing with the ladies. This quilt is the same pattern, with a slightly different arrangement. As you can see the pink quilt was a random set of 5 strips in each block.

The Teal quilt was planned with white strips framing the dark and medium value prints. This creates a nice basket weave pattern.

This latest quilt uses 5 different fabrics in the strips with a light value fabric in the centre and 2 medium value fabrics on either side and the dark fabrics on the outside. This creates the same basket weave arrangement, but quilt different.

The basket weave effect is not as clear when medium scaled prints are used instead of small scale prints. I had planned on a dark fabric (the backing fabric) as the inner border, but it just didn't work.
The fabric I ended using for the inner border was a piece I picked up from a sale our guild had in the fall. It went perfectly with all my other "boy" fabrics.
The fabric I had chosen was just a little too short to back the quilt. I added a diagonal strip to add the few inches I needed.

I like to add quilt labels to the bottom corners of my quilts. I print on fabric and trim to a square. I fold and press the square in half diagonally and stitch it to the quilt with the binding. The label is secure and there is less chance of the label falling off. I've covered the details of the label until the quilt has been gifted.

I sew the binding to the back side of the quilt. I then fold the binding over to the front side and stitch the edge in place. In this case, I used a multiple zig-zag stitch.

It's so great to get another quilt commitment completed!