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Thursday Thread - DecoBob part 2

It's Thursday and time for this week's Thursday Thread. Each week I highlight a thread that I use in my studio and give some information about the thread and share some pictures of my work.

Today's thread is WonderFil's DecoBob.. Last week I shared a key feature of piecing with DecoBob. This week I'm giving some insights on using DecoBob in the bobbin for applique and decorative stitching.

When I first started doing machine applique, I was told to always have my bobbin thread match my needle thread so the bobbin thread wouldn't show on the top of my piece. I was frustrated by this and wanted to save time and money by using just one thread on the bobbin.

I was introduced to the DecoBob Starter set and was hooked. The girls who shared this lovely box of goodies with me were using it as the bobbin thread in their machine embroidery. They told me that they only used one or two colors of DecoBob in the bobbin and used colors that closely matched their backing fabric.

So, I started experimenting and here's what I came up with.

  1. Cotton thread in the bobbin makes the stitching a little thick and sometimes I would have trouble stitching over the thickness

  2. I would need to adjust the tension more to keep the bobbin thread from showing on the top side.

  3. DecoBob doesn't need much tension adjustment to keep things nice and flat

  4. I'm able to stitch a finer stitch length and not have any tension issues.

From bottom to top, 50wt cotton in the bobbin. We don't have touch vision, so you can't feel how much thicker the bottom 3 stitch samples feel.

The same sample flipped over. I've indicated the Tension and Stitch Length changes. The bottom 3 are 50wt cotton thread and the top 3 samples are 80wt DecoBob. the stitches are much finer and smoother. Even though I changed the bobbin tension from T4 to T3 in the DecoBob, I really didn't need to like I did with the cotton.

I've covered piecing with DecoBob and decorative stitching, next up will be quilting with DecoBob.

Check WonderFil's website to learn more about this WONDERFUL thread.

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