Challenge 2017/18 - # 35, Basket of Scraps
I love getting to the end of projects. It's such a great sense of accomplishment!

This Basket of Scraps quilt was found as I was sorting projects. I store projects in process in the scrap booking boxes. I like the clear ones as I can easily see what's inside. They stack nicely and hold mostly all I need for my projects.

As I was sorting, I found a package of 2 1/2" cut strips. The fabric wasn't the best quality and I wasn't sure how to use it. I ended up sewing the strips together end on end with a diagonal seam. I sewed the strip set together into a long section 4 strips wide. I added a 1 1/2" wide strip of black fabric to both long edges.

The finished strip measured 10 1/2" wide. I sub-cut the strip set into 10 1/2" wide blocks. I arranged the blocks in an alternating direction and sewed them together. I added a wide black border to make the quilt large enough to use as a lap size quilt.

I wanted to get this quilt finished and loaded it to quilt with my Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher. I used the Splendor Double Ring Border from Intelligent Quilting. I enlarged the design and wrapped each row to alternate the design. I used WonderFil's Fabulux (FB08) Ocean Breeze to quilt front and back.

I had some left over grey fireside fleece and love how the quilting design really shows on the reverse of the quilt.
I was showing this quilt to my quilting buddies and one of them said it would be perfect for a friend in the hospital. So, she has taken the quilt to bind and will then share our love with her friend.
Happy Quilting!