Weekend shout out!
Sometimes you just gotta take time off and enjoy the little things....or ones.
I got to spend all day Monday and Friday afternoon with a special little boy. We had Zo and Gran time this week I enjoyed every minute of it! It did curtail some of my studio time, but he won't stay little for long and I want to enjoy every minute of him!
In the Studio
I've completed some personal, customer and Quilt of Valour Quilts in the past few weeks. I've been trying to finish up some of my own quilt tops and get them ready for the longarm.
This Crazy Pastel Batiks was stitched in a few hours. The quilt is now quilted (I'll get a separate blog post written and posted soon) and ready to be trimmed and bound.
I also finished this Modern Wedding Ring quilt. All ready to quilt. This is going to be a pattern for large blocks with plenty of space to quilt!

It looks like we'll be away this coming week instead of this past past week. But we'll spend some time with our Grands so I can't complain. The studio will be open the beginning of the week. I suggest you contact me for open times and days in the studio.
On the Calendar
I am starting to enjoy the TUESDAY SEW DAY! I had a request to sew this week, so we did! This week while the weather was super warm, I was in the studio wearing a sweater!!!! Yep, it's nice and cool down here and we got a lot accomplished this week. It's only $15 to join us, but I do need to know you are coming so I can set up for you.
This Tuesday, July 24 is the next TUESDAY SEW DAY. The studio is open 9am-9pm and my tools are your tools. I even have a lovely little sitting area in the shade should you want to take a break outside to warm up!
The next scheduled classes in the Studio are in August. Remember, if you can't make the date, contact me, we can always work something out. I do require paid registration by the Sunday before the class to make sure it will run.
Quilting with- Rulers on a Longarm Machine. Using these wonderful tools adds innumerable variations! Learn how to use these tools on a longarm machine. We'll focus on proper technique and some basic designs. Tuesday, August 15 9am-noon.
Handy Dyed Fabric - More! - Learn about mixing dyes and creating texture in this fun class. All fabric and dye supplies are included. No experience necessary! Tuesday, August 15 1:30-4:30pm
Cathy at Pinheads Quilting Company has started promoting the Wee-Sew Wednesdays! I was in chatting with her a while ago and telling her how much I missed teaching my KidSew classes when I owned Needleworks. She has invited me to join them and offer the program again! I am beyond excited! So, Wednesday afternoons 4-5:30pm consider sending your school aged child(ren) to join me and sew!!!! For more information contact Cathy or Lori.
We are also taking about offering a Block of the Month/Quilt Club to meet monthly and end with a finished quilt! if this is something that interests you, contact Cathy at Pinheads.
I'm still working on some Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher workshops. Nothing to report yet!
On the Road
Another exciting development! I will be teaching some longarm classes at this fall's Creative Festival in Edmonton! Plans haven't been confirmed yet for Calgary's Creative Festival. I'll post more information next week.
Weekend Shout Out! I'm still looking for a catchy name for this weekly "shout out". I've received the following suggestions, but am not 100% sold on any of them. What do you think? Can you suggest something catchy?
wind down
Let's have a contest! Send me your ideas and I'll offer a $35 coupon for longarm rentals, services or to go towards a class registration at the studio as a prize for the winning contribution.
Have a great week sewing and quilting.