Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher Club at My Sewing Room
Join me!!!!!

Allison has been with Handi Quilter for years and she wants to share her Pro-Stitcher secrets with you. Using simulation mode on your Pro-Stitcher table, Allison will help you to master computerized quilting. No two sessions are the same, as this class will evolve with you as you move forward—student input is highly encouraged to help guide future tops! Students are also encouraged to go home an quilt using their new knowledge. Show and share is practically mandatory!
Tuesday: October 23, November 27, January 29, February 26: 6-9pm
Hi, my name is Allison Spence. I am a Handi Quilter National Educator. I am fortunate enough to be able to attend quilt shows and demonstrate and teach Handi Quilter products and travel to retailers in North America for Handi Quilter Education Events. I get to quilt and I get to teach….the best of both worlds!
Allison Spence
In the HQ Pro-Stitcher Club, my goal is to make you more comfortable using your Handi Quilter Pro-Stitcher Premium. I recommend bringing your tablet with you or loading the simulation mode to a lap-top for learning and practicing away from the frame.
Some of the topics we’ll be covering briefly and in detail….
Edge to Edge: setting area, selecting design, repeat and arranging, cropping
Single Block: creating area, sizing and skewing, rotating and repeating
Sashings and Borders: making them fit!, connecting designs, corners
Questions and Answers: Everyone comes to class with questions, so we’ll set aside some time to answer your specific questions each meeting.
Monthly Challenges and prizes!!!!
Show and Tell: Bring a quilt and show off your skills! Bring in a quilt and we’ll all share ideas on how you can quilt it!
There are many more topics, but these are a start for club.