Longarmer Social Club at My Sewing Room
Join other longarmers and longarmers-to-be in a fun evening of learning and sharing. This is a time to learn from the instructor and each other and to share you own tips and tricks for successful quilting. We will try not to be brand specific and encourage those who are looking to become longarmers to join us.

Learn to use a longarm machine correctly and safely. Topics cover: loading tips and fabric tension, TNT—Threads, Needles and Tension; Stitching Motifs—how to take a basic shape and create an edge-to-edge design. Longarmers Social Club also provides training on the wide variety of longarm rulers available including Handi Quilter’s Ruler of the Month Club
Tuesdays, October 9, November 13, January 8, February 5. 6-9pm
Hi, my name is Allison Spence. I am a Handi Quilter National Educator. I am fortunate enough to be able to attend quilt shows and demonstrate and teach Handi Quilter products and travel to retailers in North America for Handi Quilter Education Events. I get to quilt and I get to teach….the best of both worlds!
Allison Spence
In the Longarmers Social Club, my plan is to present 5 topics each meeting.
Frame and loading tips: there are so many little tricks and tips for loading and keeping the quilt straight, dealing with unwanted fullness and making this part of quilting fun and easy!
Machine stitching and function tips: these powerful machines were designed to do one thing well. Learn how to stitch efficiently and use the features of these machines properly.
Design ideas and variations: We’ll take time each meeting to look at some simple quilting designs and how to elevate them to something special.
Questions and Answers: Everyone comes to class with questions, so we’ll set aside some time to answer your specific questions each meeting.
Show and Tell: Bring a quilt and show off your skills! Bring in a quilt and we’ll all share ideas on how you can quilt it!