Challenge 2017/18 - # 37 - HPQG Christmas Mini Quilt Exchange

I am a member of Heritage Park Quilt Guild. We meet twice a month on Wednesday evenings at Heritage Park. I love this group as many are newer quilters and members. There are limited "we've always done it that way" and the group is up for anything!
Earlier this fall we were invited to join the Christmas Mini Quilt Exchange. Rules are simple.
Sign Up and fill in the questionnaire
Make a quilt to gift using some of the answers on the sign up form of your assigned giftee
Our quilt could not be smaller than 8" or bigger than 20" on a side.
We had to use a mini version of a block
Gift the quilt at our Christmas party
Be prepared to submit your received quilt at 2019 Festival of Quilts in May

Once I looked at the list of answers, I immediately knew what I was going to make.
I pulled out some turquoise and coral batiks. I used my QuiltPro software to find and print some New York Beauty blocks as small as I could! I used 3" blocks.
I Quilted feathers, just because I could!
I used Robbi Joy Ecklow's method of facing the quilt and left the top triangles un-stitched so they can be used as quilt hangers.

A push-pin in the wall is perfect for hanging this little beauty.

I hope Denyce enjoys her quilt!