WIN, WIN, WIN IN 2019!
Read on for some great ways for you to Win in 2019.

In the last 2 years I've challenged myself to complete 52 and then 12 quilted projects. I started the challenge in 2017 with 52 completed projects. One for every week. I thought it was a good challenge to me and it worked quite well. Unfortunately, I didn't complete all 52 projects in 2017, so I added to the challenge in 2018 with 12 more projects. Add additional 1 per month. I am happy to report that I've almost made it!

Some un-planned pre-Christmas travelling put the stop to my last push. I am hopeful that the first weeks of January will be full of successful finishes!!!!!

During my Christmas travelling, which involved a long car ride and lots of time to think, I thought of my plans for the new year (2019) and what I hoped to accomplish next year. You know, we all set new year's resolutions. If you are anything like me, they don't last long!

But I wanted a way to encourage others like me to finish those long forgotten and "what was I thinking" projects. I wanted a way to challenge you to feel like I have these past 2 years. Yeah Me! I finished! Now I can treat a new quilt project!

So, here is my challenge and encouragement to you! Register UFO or projects you want to work on. Finish them and enter to win 10%, 20% and $300 off quilting services or longarm rental! Everyone who finishes is a winner!!!!

Join Meadow Rose Quilting for a UFO challenge. Actually, it doesn't have to be a UFO, just a finished project. Complete the form to register by the 5th of each month. You can register as many projects as you want.

Complete 1 form for every 3 projects. Work on your projects during the month. Email a picture of each finished project by the last day of the month.
Win #1 - everyone who registers and finishes their registered project will receive a 10% coupon for quilting services or longarm rental.
Win #2 - every month 1 name from the finishers will be drawn for 20% off coupon for quilting services or longarm rental.
Win #3 - at the end of 2019, all finishers will be entered into a draw for $300 off quilting services or longarm rental.
Wow! Lots of ways to win!!!!
All coupons are to be redeemed by June 30, 2020.

Are you excited? Are you ready to sort things out and get yourself sewing? You don't need to plan your whole year at once. Just work on at least 1 project each month. Then plan to spend some time at the studio quilting.​

Here's a hint, finish a smaller project in January. Get the 10% coupon and come to the Meadow Rose Quilts Studio for quilting a larger project. I can do it for you, or you can quilt it yourself as a rental. You'll save 10% off the cost.

AND, there's a 4th win. You have a completed project!!!!!