Snow Dye Day at the end of April!!!!
Yep! It happened. Not sure if I was really wishing for it, but it happened non the less. It snowed in Calgary on Saturday.

I was in Beaverlodge Alberta at a great quilt shop, Around the Block for a Handi Quilter Education event.
Our flight was scheduled to leave at 6:40pm on the 2nd day so I hustled my little butt out of Beaverlodge and into Grande Prairie after class to make the flight. As an aside, the Grande Prairie airport is a lovely little airport. Every thing is on the ground floor with lots of windows to the tarmac makes the whole area really nice.

Anyway. Our flight was delayed an hour due to the bad weather in Calgary. Then it was delayed another hour! Then we were informed that our flight was rescheduled to leave at 10pm or would be cancelled! The sky in GP was nice and clear!!!!!

We finally left at 9:30pm and got home to Calgary safely. So, Sunday morning bright and early.....I had to do some snow dyeing. Come on! I needed something to cheer me up from the rotten weather! and I broke my glasses. I lost a screw and the lens fell out. Thank goodness that was at home and hubby was able to run out and get them fixed. But what's a girl to do who is completely blind without her glasses!!!!

I thought I'd share my process. It's quite basic and I am not to fussy about the finished product as I know it will look fantastic in the finished project!
I start by soaking my fabric in a soda ash solution and then arranging it on a screen clamped to a plastic container.

I then pile a couple of bucket fulls of snow (unfortunately I can't use all the snow up!!!!!) on top of the scrunched fabric. I like to make sure all the fabric is covered with snow.

I sprinkled Red, Golden Yellow, Royal and Slate Blue dye powder over over the snow.

Let the snow melt.

Once all melted, I throw it in the washer for a couple of washes in hot water.

Then into the Dryer, wait for a little while and pull it out and enjoy the lovely texture and colours.

I'm working on a BQ4 quilt from Maple Island Quilts and this snow dye fabric will be added to others I've already done. Watch for my blog post on the BQ4 Quilt.