Kids Summer Creative Camps
I've got a full summer planned with Kids Creative Camps at three locations in and around Calgary. There is still time to register.
Follow this link for the full details......
Here are the highlights.
July 9-11 at Bow Bench Retreat. 3 full days of dyeing fabric and sewing!

July 15-19 at My Sewing Room. 5 mornings or afternoons of quilt making or bag sewing

July 22-26 at Pinheads Quilting. 5 afternoons of quilt making

July 29-August 2 at My Sewing Room. Again, 5 mornings or afternoons of bag sewing or quilt making

August 12-16 at My Sewing Room. 5 mornings or afternoons of open sew....Miss the bag or quilt class, you can do it now or choose a clothing project to work on!