Scrap Challenge 2019-20
Welcome to the first month of my Scrap Challenge for the next year. See my previous blog post about my plans.
For the month of October I am going to make Half Square Triangles. I've been working on my Modern Wedding Ring pattern and as I sew the corners, I have lots of secondary triangles that I've sewn. I was surfing through Pinterest this past week and came across this quilt.

I really like it. This Quilt is made up of Half Square Triangles in light and dark with a dark centre square.
I found this image as well and after looking at it, realized its simply a 9 patch block. This image has 4 blocks.

I drafted the block and think this will be a good way to use up a few scraps!

The quilt will be busy, but a great way to get myself moving.

I've searched for some easy tutorials for making Half Square Triangles. Check them out and use the one you like the best.
the cutting table quilt blog they have a nice graphic for making blocks
Quilt it list this list has a few methods.
I think I may start with some larger HST to get me going. I'm aiming for 9" blocks. So my 9 patch block will be made up of 3 units 3" finished. I'll start with 4" squares, sew them together and trim them neatly once sewn.
I am going to spend some time sorting my fabrics into squares or pieces that I can cut 4" squares from. I'll have to create some storage for fabric pieces that are larger than 4" and also that are smaller than 4".
A lap size quilt measures approximately 50 x 65". My quilt will have 9" blocks. I'll be sewing 6 blocks wide and 8 blocks high for a finished quilt size 54" x 72".
And we're off!!!!!