9 fat quarter quilt
I was spending some valuable time last week watching YouTube videos. I came across this one from April's Craft Room.
I thought the idea was good and that I'd give it a try.
I grabbed 9 hand dyed fat quarters and trimmed them all to the same size. They ended up being 18" x 21".
And then, I simple made a giant 9 patch with these giant rectangles. Then, cut in half vertically and horizontally and rotated two of the corners and sewed the giant block back together. Yep, it's a giant disappearing 9 patch block.

VOILA! Done. It certainly didn't take me 3 hours.
Then I got to thinking. I have lots of wierd FQ of batik fabric. Seeing some of those really big pieces may be off putting. What if I used smaller pieces for the 9 patch blocks.
So I cut the 18" x 21" fq units in half to measure 18" x 10.5" and made 2 very big 9 patch blocks. These got cut up and re-sewn.

I like this quilt much more ......then I got to thinking a bit more....
What if I planned where the fabrics go? Out came some more hand dyed blues and oranges. I used 5 orange and 4 blue fabrics.

Much nicer!

I made all 3 quilts in about 3 hours. This orange and blue quilt measures approximately 49" x 55".
I'll now get the binding ready for these quilts and add them to my "to-be-quilted" stash.