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Manic Monday or MAKE IT MONDAY?

I woke up this morning with a whole list of things that I NEEDED TO DO! It's after noon and I feel like I've accomplished nothing so far! Actually, I have accomplished a lot, but I still feel like it's a Manic Monday!

I'm thinking of changing my MANIC MONDAY feeling to MAKE IT MONDAY! My typical Monday starts with a review of what I accomplished and DIDN'T accomplish last week..Some Mondays, it's a good feeling to see what I did accomplish last week. Some Mondays, I can't see any evidence of any accomplishments last week.

So, although we are close to starting the 2nd month of the year, I am going to continue to make some resolutions.

  • I will continue to review last week and celebrate my accomplishments and not stress about what didn't get done on my list.

  • I will plan what I MUST get done in the comging week. That starts with checking to see what classes and in-studio appointments are scheduled nd make a list of what needs to be done before these events. (Yes, I am a list maker!)

  • I will prioritize what I should do for this week's events and make a daily plan. Somethings are as simple as printing class notes, and sometimes as lengthy as writing class notes.

  • I will choose only 2 or 3 things to accomplish each day. I'll then break down each item into a list of its own so I can see what I have accomplished as I check each item off the list.

    • so, rather than "Tulip Trails Quilt", I will make the following list and check off each item. Maybe today's goal is simply to finish piecing the blocks and I can plan to sew the blocks together tomorrow.

      • finish piecing blocks

      • sew blocks together into top

      • add border

      • prepare binding

      • find and prepare backing

      • load quilt

      • quilt

      • bind

My plan for today was to

  • FINISH QUILTING A RAFFLE QUILT for Airdrie and District Quilt Guild.

  • wash the floor in the studio which required tidying the studio and sweeping the floor.

  • Finish Piecing the blocks for the TULIP TRAILS quilt.

I'm 11/2 for 3! The quilt is done quilting, not off the frame yet, but I've done the quilting!

I've tidied, swept and washed a portion of the studio floor. Puppy left a present which caused this deep clearning. I have half the room done, now need to move frames and furntiure around to do the other half of the floor.

Once the floor is done, I'll have some lunch and hopefully get back down to the studio of piece more blocks. I'm more than half way through so the top should be completed by the end of the week.

My MAKE IT MONDAY will now consist of making a simple plan for the week. Each item I plan will have a few steps to many steps. I'm going to tackle 1 step at a time and not let myself get bogged by being overwhelmed with STUFF THAT I GOTTA DO!.

Looking at the big picture, I'm going to try to do a bit of piecing each day....I have lots of prjectects to work on, but that's another post. I am going to plan for some longarm quilting each day...I am a Handi Quilter National Educator and they've come up with a whole new list of classes for 2022, so this requires new class notes and new samples to stitch, as well as work on my own and customer quilts.

On an exciting and final note, I got my 2021 Handi Quilter National Educator Block Swap Challenge completed, and mailed to Salt Lake City!

Keep Makin' It Mondays, make lists and take some time to be creative.

Happy Quilting


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